Seductive. Involving. Lush. Realistic. Amazing. Seamless Filmlike. These are some of the words used to describe the image projected by
our newest video projector, the VP-15S1. A few moments spent looking at the picture are all it takes. With over 2 megapixels displayed
(1920 x 1080), this projector has been six years in development and represents our best performance vs price ever.
Starting with the die-cast aluminum chassis of the VP-12 series, coupled with the latest in custom fully sealed 13 element all-glass optics
from Konica-Minolta, we add customized color ꢀlters optimized to match the spectral characteristics of the industry’s only 200 Watt DC
SuperHighPressure lamp assembly. This assures that not only will the picture be razor sharp and evenly illuminated and focused from edge
to edge, but the colors will be accurate, pure and fully saturated for breathtaking realism. Three Dimensional. Crisp. Relaxing. In addition
to having new color ꢀlters in the color wheel, it now spins at 9,000 RPM which correlates to a color frame rate of 5x, making color breakup
(rainbow eꢁect or RBE) a thing of the past. A wheel spinning that fast would be noisy, if it weren’t for the Fluid Dynamic Bearing motor,
borrowed from Hard Disc Drive (HDD) technology, for silent and reliable operation.
Detailed. Sharp. Accurate. All of the resolution in the world won’t do any good if the video processing isn’t up to the task. As a matter
of fact, super high resolution can hurt the image if the processor isn’t great. With that in mind, we are using the latest processing algorithms
from Gennum in their latest release, the GF9351. This is a completely programmable video processor that can do calculations on the order
of 500 million ꢂoating point operations per second! This processor will take any input and deinterlace it if necessary and scale the output to
match the exact characteristics of the panel. This processor if sold by itself would have been well above $30k just a few short years ago.
Simple. Flexible. Reliable. We haven’t forgotten that this projector has to be able to work in many diꢁerent setups. There are two lens
options, four optional anamorphic solutions for 2.35:1 viewing, a mechanical lens shift that allows mounting above the screen, full RS232
control and more. And with a 3 year warranty you can be assured that it’s still a Marantz.
A few minutes watching the picture from the VP-15S1 and you will forget that you are watching a Home Theater Digital Projector.
Fall in love with the movies all over again. The VP-15S1 from Marantz. On display at your local authorized retailer
* 1-chip DLP™ Projector
* .95 1080p DLP®
* 10,000 : 1 Contrast ratio
* Newly updated GENNUM VXP™ video Processing
* Custom Optics by Konica-Minolta
* 5x color wheel
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